Writer at The New Yorker discriminates against a whole group of people from the Balkans
Jon Lee Anderson managed to generalize and with his words, discriminate against a diverse group of people, maybe its his western centric view or lack of exposure to other cultures that have made him feel that his comment was appropriate.
What followed was a series of Anderson’s clarifications as to what he did mean and what he didn’t mean with his comment. Some people are doubting his motives behind such language, but it is clear that there are a lot of prejudices present when talking about the Balkans. Hopefully Anderson managed to defuse the situation and that in the future, he will choose his words more carefully.
Migration remains a big problem not just for the Balkans, but for the whole Europe, as time goes by it is more and more evident that a lot of people aren’t refugees but economic migrants that just want to get to the richer parts of Europe.
This raises the question about EU plans for the region, as well as future migration measures that will hopefully deter illegal migration. Pitting people from the Balkans against the migrants won’t make others looking any better by standing and watching from aside.
Now personally I think we need to stop thinking about cancel culture and be more forgiving. This should be a learning moment not a cancel moment.